This page is dedicated to those classmates who have taken their final journey. Memories of them as children, students, and dreamers are carried in the hearts of those who treasured their friendship ...
Beckley-Neuman, Patty
Beene, Robert Theodore
Benckendorf, John Koncor
Beresford, Joseph
Brown, Charles "Butch" Milton
Cambell-Bellinger, Lynn
Carson, LeRoy Devon
Cles-Jensen, Cheryl
Cox, Dennis
Creech, Harvey O'Neil
Crowson, Glenn David
Davis-Robbins, Janet
Davis, Richard Neal
DeLancey, Mary Geraldine
Dorman, Roger Norval
Ennis, Joseph Edward
Freeman, James David
Giles, Mattie Louise
Gilpin, Vernon Andrew
Green, Louise Kathryn
Gregory, James Howard
Griffin, Larry Gene
Hall, Jerry Michael
Harn, John Milton
Hayford, Gustava Deanne
Huddleston, Thomas Dale
Johnson, Michael Zeleon
Johnson, Sheila Pittman
Jones, JoAnn
Kephart, Elliot
Leape, Dennis Vincent
Lewis, Jean Elizabeth
Moberly, Jayma Maria
O'Neill, Patricia Lee
Ralston, Donald Roy
Renne, David Andrew
Rickhoff-Dunaway, Marilyn
Rivera, David Arthur
Rizzardini, Timothy J (Vietnam KIA)
Roglin-Galyon, Nancy Lee
Sauls-Sullivan, Patsy
Steele, Anita
Stiles, Linda Gaye
St. Louis, Tyrone Alexis
Teasdale Jr, David Oliver
Torrey-Lambert, Joanne
Van Hagen-Fojt, Stephanie Ann
Wair, Robert Heigh
Wilsey, Gloria
Worthy, John Anthony
Wuest, Phillip Jack
Wyatt, Winfred
Yelland-Utley, Diana
Young, Gary William