The “Cruise With ‘62” event has passed and Thanksgiving is here which gives us another occasion to give thanks for old friends and fond memories of our 4 Day Mexican cruise. Thanks to all who joined us for our cruise adventure and those who helped as it was your participation which made it a great success and wonderful experience for everyone.

Who was “everyone”? Everyone included six graduating classes from 1959 through 1964. Those classes were represented by fifty-two people from eleven different states comprised of twenty-one various professions, except for Tom Mather who was hospitalized at the last minute and missed the cruise. He has since recovered and enjoying the photos and his welcome packet from the cruise. Some flew to California but most us drove and some literally through fire to get to San Pedro to board our cruise ship, The Monarch of the Sea. We set sail Monday evening Oct.21st not knowing that this was just the beginning of the California fires. Monday evening was the first time for many of the alumni to meet and greet one another. Many had not seen one another in 47 years. There were screams of delight, “Oh my gosh, is that really you?” along with hugs and laughter that filled the room. Thank goodness for the zippered neck wallets with senior picture ID photos provided in the welcome packets because some us really needed them to recognize each other. It was a joyous evening.

Tuesday morning we docked in San Diego. After breakfast we had a meeting to gather all of us at one time in one room so we could spend time getting reacquainted. With Oldies but Goodies playing in the background people were greeting one another with their young face masks (senior photos on a stick) which were great fun. There were many cameras flashing photos and time given to reflect on the wonderful community in which we grew up. Don McLean finished the meeting talking about the China Lake Museum which is keeping the history and heritage of China Lake alive. He gave thanks to Bob Campbell who is President of the museum and his wife Alice who oversee the museum. Don then invited those who wanted to join him to take a shuttle up to visit his mother Mrs. McLean who is now 91. She was quite frail and in a wheelchair but was delighted that we were coming and was all dolled up in a bright red outfit to greet us. I can’t say that she remembered everyone but she did take the time to look at each ones name and ID photos on our zippered neck wallets. Once in awhile her face would light up with a grin and that famous “wink” which perhaps was to say that she did remember. We all thanked her for teaching us to dance in junior high and Clyde and I gave her a quick demonstration of what we learned which seemed to thrill her. The house was filled with Dr. McLean’s accomplishments, awards, photographs with presidents and personal letters from the likes of President Ronald Regan. It was so very moving to walk through the house and see the history on the walls that was such an integral part of our youth. There were many excursions offered as part of the 4 Day cruise package but this impromptu trip was a piece of our personal history which was so meaningful to all who shared it.

The Class of ’62 and friends met with classmate Joelle Russ who had planned lunch at Anthony’s on the pier. Many decided to tour the aircraft carrier, Midway, while others chose to visit the Gaslight District, Old Town and The Dead Sea Scrolls at Balboa Park only to find many were closed because of the fires.