Top Row Lt to Rt. John Dunaway, Don McNeill, Rick Underwood, Norman Coates, Harry Porter, Tom Huddleston, Clyde Griffin, Daniel Smith, Larry Griffin, Don McLean, Dave Millington, Randy Boggs.
2nd Row Lt to Rt. Mike Adms, Danny Jockisch, Doylene Porter, Shirlie McNeill, Shyrell Griffin, Marilyn Rickoff-Dunaway, Diana Pinney-Smith, Carol Mitchell-Ford, Oleta Dial-Adams, Patty Pahkama-Griffin, Cheryl Fullerton, Jaynee Eilts-Lewis, Pat McLean, Donna Millington, Bob Rumpp, Ralph Beyer, Ron Lewis.
3rd Row Lt to Rt. Charlotte Keene-Jockisch, Carol Penfold-Coates, Cheryl Fallgatter, Yvonne Heynon-Beyer, Sammie Ford, Nanette Huddleston, Sue Metcalf-Newkirk, Alice Campbell.
Bottom Row Lt to Rt. Sheila Pittman-Johnson, Jim Fallgatter, Bob Campbell, Mike Fullerton, Liz Lindamood-Boggs, Jean Lewis-Burke.
Not Pictured. Pat Reid-Hattersley, Larry Hattersley, Gina Decker-Segovia, Marcia Bernhardi-Carrier, Glenna Heald-Haley, Ruth Underwood, Dot Rumpp.